Bemus Point Historical Society

Loving Bemus Point & Honoring It’s Past
The BPHS acquires, preserves & exhibits local archival items. We work with the local school children, present guest speakers on a monthly basis, commit to video personal recollections of “local celebrities,” and we offer many open house sessions during the year.
The Bemus Point Historical Society was formed in 1997. State Chartered Education Corporation. A museum has been established in the original Village Hall on Alburtus Avenue and is currently open by appointment.
Co-President Ned Ward
Co-President Bob Terreberry
Vice President – TBA
Secretary Cherrie Clark
Treasurer Mary Carpenter
Trustee Carol Rodgers
Trustee Mike Rodgers
Trustee Don Traynor
Trustee Kurt Johnson
Trustee Ray Gauvin
Trustee Victoria Templeton
Town of Ellery Historian- Cherrie Clark 386-3105
Hours- By Appointment
Monthly meetings held the second Wednesday of each month at 7pm.
13 Alburtus Ave.
Bemus Point, New York 14712
Phone: 7163867977